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EDUC 560: Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoolers

Encouraging Physical Activity in Preschoollers  by doctor Steve Sanders.
   Dr. Sanders his professional focus has been on preparing the next generation of teacher to assist children in becoming physically active and healthy for a lifetime.
   First point, he talked about locomotor movements primarily use the feet of support however,the body can travel on other parts such as the hands and feet. But the problem in our building schools that is without playgrounds.
Even rhythm locomotor skills: Walk, Run, Jump, Hop, Leap. As for Uneven rhythm locomotor skills: Skip, Gallop, Slide.
  Secondly, Dr.Sanders said that we have proportional  relashionship between skills and physical activity. We should learning infant the movement concepts, where body moves (space,directions, levels, pathways), learning how body moves (speeds, rhythms, degrees of forces,absorbing forces, creating forces and control),learning about the relationships that body creates (body part,roles,locations,body shapes).
  Finally, he focused the importance of chasing,fleeing and dodging skills activities.And the most focus point was on tag games that are a chasing and fleeing game: one plus students are the tagger and their goals is to gently tag their classmates usually with their hands.The fleers are trying to move away from the tagger and not get tagged.
  It was an interesting conference where Dr.Sanders consults us in developing curriculum, assessment, and instructional strategies for promoting early childhood physical activity.


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