Family Factors That Influence Students Behavior in School.
When a child misbehaves or fails to meet expectations at school,the child's home and family life should be considered.Several family factors can affect a child's behavior and ability to perform in the classroom.These include economic stability,changes in family relationships, parental attitudes toward education and incidents of child abuse.
1- Economic stability:
Poverty can affect school readiness in several way.
According to a 2007 article titled "the impact of poverty on educational outcomes for children" in the journal "pediatric child health", studies show that children from impoverished families tend to score lower in communication and vocabulary skills, knowledge of numbers, ability to copy and recognize symbols, concentration, and teamwork and cooperative play.
2- Changes in family relationships:
Divorce has long been linked to behavior and psychology problems, anxiety and depression in children.The news of divorce can be shock.Some kids may not be able to handle change as well as others. And it depends on how the parents communicate it with the kids and with each other.
With divorced parents, communication is key.When parents communicate in positive way, it can result in a healthy relationship between the parents, the kids, and abolish stress in school.
3- Parental attitudes toward education:
Children learn first by mimicking behavior the see modeled for them.
Children who have parents who encourage academic success are more likely to develop their own aspirations for higher education.
In this way, parent education is a predictor of a child's academic success.
4- Child abuse:
Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury, death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to child. Child abuse can happen by way of physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, sexual abuse or substance abuse in the home.
Child abuse are known to be a high risk for engaging in risky behaviors and acting out in school.They might have problems socializing with other children and adults and completing or focusing on assignments.
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