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Jealousy encompass the thoughts,feeling,and behaviors that occur a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened.Jealousy usually involves anger and possessiveness, and can negatively affect social skills in children.
The impact of inappropriate jealousy can be toxic and can affect  child education. To avoid the  influence of jealousy there are some  strategies you can use to restore the peace.

  1. Give your child alone time to talk.
  2. Show that you understand the feelings behind the words.
  3. Resist the temptation to solve the problem.
  4. Support efforts to talk openly with each other.
  5. Encourage the subject of unhealthy jealousy to set clear limits with the other person.


  1. Jealousy is really a misbehavior in classroom and in home, as any other behavior of students , teacher can play an effective role in dealing with it and preventing it's consequences.


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